Empower Your Dev Team with Our Versatile SaaS Platform
SystemOne is our Production-grade, Product-building platform for SaaS companies. You get full source code and several built-in features that helps your developers reduce the go-to-market time.
why choose SystemOne
Full Stack Boilerplate Code
.NET Core based backend systems that complies with best practices for building secure, scalable, and maintainable applications. A node based ecosystem with VueJS at the center powers the frontend.
SOLID Architecture
SystemOne is built with SOLID principles in mind. Services and dependency injected across all applications and lends to confident change control.
RBAC ready
Role Based Access Control is made easy as management screens for Roles, Pages, Menus and Permissions are built in. From the first hour, you get to build features that are driven by security privileges.
MultiTenancy offers the choice of Data Isolation or Cost Reduction. You can grant each Tenant their own dedicated Database or club them together in a shared Database. Also, manage other attributes of the Tenant from the Admin Portal.
Auto Provisioning
SystemOne integrates with your Azure Portal to kickoff resource creation and monitor its status.is integrated with your Azure. Provisioning is made easy and no more switching between Azure Portal and your application.
Unit Test Ready
Robust codebase with unit tests for all the core features. Build on top of this test framework as you develop your own features.
Data Grids Ready
Functional Grids that provide Pageable, Sortable and Searchable data are built in. Your dev team just need to extend them for any ERP entity that your business handles.
DevOps Ready
Our DevOps practices are built on the Azure platform. We have a powerful DevOps approach for automating the software delivery pipeline on the Azure platform.
Feature Showcase
Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment
CI/CD pipelines are a great enabler for efficiency. Our build and release pipelines can be configured to automatically build and deploy your application to the cloud.
Cloud Storage
Azure Storage is used for storing application data like images, PDFs, and other files. Azure Functions are utilized to process those documents as they are uploaded to the storage account.
Feature Toggling (V23.5)
Launch your features in the dark and selectively test them out in the wild (production) using our Feature Toggles.
Charts / Reports
Vue based Chart Templates and Report Templates are built-in to expedite the time to create your business related reporting needs.
User Self Service
Users can update their profile information, change their password, and update their Data or Time preferences.
Notification Management
A notification system with emails and notification dashboard is built to notify users of events that happens in the system.
List Management
Considerable time savings are achieved by using this generic Master-Detail system that powers both Application specific data and Business specific data.
Custom Event Auditing
Events can be registered at Design Time and raised at Run time from any part of the system. Events Dashboard gives access to auditing all key business events that has transpired.
Employee Management
Every organization has employees and we have a generic Employee Management system that can be extended to meet your business needs.
what we offer
- S1 Source Code
- DevOps Setup
- Customization
- Consulting
- Dev Team to work on S1
- Technology Consulting
- Long-term or Short-term Resources
- Development Processes and Best Practices
- Capacity Planning
- Agile Project Management
- Technology Consulting
- Cloud Consulting